About the Course

Improving your chance of waking up

The course you will be taking will introduce you to a number of methods which, if practised diligently, will help you to awaken, or will at least open you to new experiences and show you that you are on the path to awakening.  If you have already tried some of the practices suggested without much success, don’t be discouraged – you change, and a method which did not seem helpful before may help you now.  

Should  you do the course if you already have your own teacher and practice?  

You may want to get your teacher’s view about this, or you can make the decision yourself, based on the fact that you have not yet awoken and something entirely new may help you.  But it is essential to understand that this is a course on which you have to work, so don’t take it if you cannot commit to the time involved.  

This is an Internet course and you will need a computer (or smart phone or tablet) and elementary computer skills. You will be put into a support group of not more than five people, with whom you can communicate by either Skype or Zoom each week at a time that suits you all, and will help you gain an understanding of how the others are finding the course.  Some exercises will best be done with other members of the group rather than on your own.

For the first fortnight you will get new material on Wednesdays and Saturdays and then once a week on Saturdays. You will be expected to do one hour’s meditation a day and to put in a progress report each week, except for the first fortnight when you will do this twice a week. Failure to put in a report for no good reason may lead to exclusion from the rest of the course, with no refund. 

This course is NOT for you if you can’t fulfil these conditions, or if you have a history of depressive or other mental illness. Please understand that you do this entirely voluntarily and there is no compulsion to join the course, though once you agree to begin it you’ll be expected to finish it.

The cost of the course is £200 (which is a donation for one of three charities: the Study Society, the Scientific and Medical Network or the Help2Help Trust) for the three months and this includes the material you are given, the ability to ask many questions and the understanding that Dr Peter Fenwick will be there to help if you need this.  There is a charge for the course because it has been found that if the course is free, people don’t commit and it will be less effective.  

Only 25 places are available on the course – still to be developed.  To express your interest please email to: awakenedlife@mindlife.net